C & G Koopman (Part two of two)
Let’s introduce some direct children of this mating.
a. ‘Kleine Dirk’ (98-5821415): son of ‘Gentil’ and ‘Golden Lady’.
As a baby ‘Kleine Dirk’ became 5th World Champion VL and as a yearling 1st National Ace pigeon magazine De Vredesduif. His parents are considered the best breeders Koopman ever had, ‘Kleine Dirk’ himself is probably the best racer ever.
‘Kleine Dirk’ won:
- Troyes 17,883 p – 1st
- Bourges 7,165 p – 1st
- Maaseik 3,522 p – 1st
- Lommel 3.612 p – 2nd
- Hasselt 2,668 p – 3rd
- Boxtel 10,093 p 4th
- Chimay 16,306 p – 6th
The first two races were so-called Semi National NPO races and believe me birds that have won 2 NPO races are rare.
‘Kleine Dirk’ is father of ‘Young Dream’ (00-5063909) 17th National Ace Fond 2002.
b. ‘Annelies’ (99-5971341) daughter of ‘Gentil’ and ‘Golden Lady’.
has a sensational record as well.
‘Annelies’ won:
- Chimay 15,438 p – 1st
- Troyes 13,137 p – 2nd
- Chimay 10,000 p – 5th
- Hasselt 4,052 p – 5th
- Hasselt 2,868 p – 8th
‘Annelies’ is mother of 01-5166028 that won Hasselt 1,486 p – 1st, Etampes 9,679 p
– 15th, Alblis 13,020 p – 21st .
c. ‘Fiero’ (97-2253038) son of ‘Gentil’ and ‘Golden ‘Lady’.
‘Fiero’ (a breeder) is father to famous ‘Kadir’ (99-5971371) that won Semi National Bourges 5,831 p – 1st
d. Judy’ (98-5821399) daughter of ‘Gentil’ and ‘Golden Lady’.
‘Judy’ herself was a fantastic racer. She won as a yearling 15 prizes from 18 races and is mother of ‘Ermerveen’s Hope’ (1st Dutch Olympiad bird 2003 All round).
e. ‘Yi Min’ (98-5821450) daughter of ‘Gentil’ and ‘Golden Lady’.
‘Yi Min’ is the mother of ‘Amoré’ the 2nd Olympiad bird 2003 (long distance), at the same time she was 1st National Ace long distance.
Can you imagine that?
Two full sisters are mother to an Olympiad bird in 2003 and their brother ‘Kleine Dirk’ won two Semi National NPO races.
f. ‘Mighty Man’ (99-1933559) son of ‘Gentil’ and ‘Golden Lady’.
‘Mighty Man’ is father of ‘Emira’ that won NPO race Orleans (10,825 birds)..
So ‘a’ till ‘f’ included are all full brothers or sisters!
‘ZENO’ (92-5310364)
Also the pedigree of ‘Zeno’ is breath taking. His father is ‘De Beatrixdoffer’ his mother 88-4024671, the sister of the legendary ‘Eric’.
So ‘De Beatrixdoffer’ gave Aces on National level both with ‘Golden Lady’ and 88-671 (sister ‘Eric’).
‘Zeno’ won in 1994 alone:
- Herentals 4,448 p – 1st
- Orleans 10,997 p – 2nd
- Bourges 2,957 p – 2nd (Bourges is 698 kms)
- Houdeng 3,781 p – 1st
- Cambrai 2,175 p – 5th
- Reusel 4,566 p – 9th
Zeno’s brother became father of 1st Semi National Orleans in 1993, one of the hardest races in history, 8,645 pigeons were beaten.
One of Zeno’s daughters ‘Lioba’ was mated with ‘Noble Blue’ and this pair became the parents of famous ‘Mister Ermerveen’ and his sister ‘Miss Ermerveen’.
‘MISTER ERMERVEEN’ (98-5821470)
‘Mister Ermerveen’ was 1st National Ace Middle Distance in 2000 and represented Holland at the Olympiad in South Africa.
In his pedigree we find nearly all the great birds that Koopman had. His father is ‘Noble Blue’ (97-2253103) who is a son of ‘Beatrixdoffer’ and again(!) ‘Golden Lady’.
Mother of ‘Mister Ermerveen’ is ‘Lioba’(97-2252940) a daughter of ‘Zeno’ and ‘Ger’ (mentioned before).
‘Mister Ermerveen’ won:
- Chimay 10,000 p – 1st
- Reims 768 p – 1st
- Chimay 1,828 p – 3rd
- Hasselt 4,422 p – 3rd
- St Ghislain 1,390 p – 7th
- Hasselt 3,762 p – 8th
- Niergnies 9,868 p – 11th
- Mettet 1,681 p – 14th
‘MISS ERMERVEEN’ (99-5971353’)
‘Miss Ermerveen’ is a full sister of ‘Mister Ermerveen’ as the name suggests.
She is one of those fantastic Koopman hens that have no difficulty beating thousands of widowhood cocks, even at long distance.
‘Mister Ermerveen’ managed to beat 10,000 birds, his sister beat 13,137 birds that were released at Troyes (529 kms).
‘ERMERVEEN’S HOPE’ (00-4728193)
His father is an import (‘Jonker Doffer’ line Koopman, Minderhout, Vandenabeele).
His mother is ‘Judy’ (98-5821399) daughter of ‘Gentil’ x ‘Golden Lady’.
‘Ermerveen’s Hope’ represents Holland at Olympiad in France (all round) in 2003.
Another top bird by the name of ‘Jacco’ is related to ‘Ermeveen’s hope’.
‘Ermerveen’s Hope’ won:
- Orleans 9,188 p 1st
- Boxtel 2,397 p – 1st
- Alblis 13,022 p – 2nd
- Hannut 4,414 p – 2nd
- Chimay 4,149 p – 6th
- Rethel 2,197 p – 9th
- Chimay 1,833 p – 8th
- Hasselt 1,487 p – 14th
- Maaseik 1,773 p – 17th
‘VITA’ (00-5063918)
‘Vita’s father is 98-1933638, a son of ‘Zebran’. ‘Zebran’ is a son of ‘Branco’ and he is father of ‘Wonder Lady’ that won National Orleans (section 10).
‘Branco’ (94-2227820) is a son of ‘Ons Louis’ and ‘Sister Eric’.
So ‘Vita’s father is a halfbrother of 1st National Orleans 1999 but also of 2nd S-National NPO race from Bourges in 1999.
The mother of ‘Vita’ is a daughter of the Dream Pair of the late Evert Glazenburg, a sensational long distance racer with the strains of Vervuurt and Janssens.
‘Vita’ won:
- Alblis 1,593 p – 4th (588 kms)
- Orleans 5,167 p – 3rd (640 kms)
- La Ferte Bernard 5,164 p – 62nd (670 kms)
- Bergerac 2,207 p – 10th
- Alblis 6,856 p – 17th
- Orleans 4,616 p – 36th
These results were good enough for a ticket to the Olympiad in France in 2003 (long distance). No bird in the whole country did better, only one pigeon came close and that was her loft mate ‘Amoré’, moreover ‘Vita’ was 8th National Ace fond in 2001.
‘EMIRA’ (00-5063859)
‘Vita’ is a hen, ‘Annelies’ is a hen and so is ‘Emira’.
She is a daughter of ‘Mighty Man’ (98-1933559). ‘Mighty Man’ (son of ‘Gentil’ and ‘Golden Lady’) was never raced.
Emira’s mother was purchased from Van Hove Uytterhoeven (Belgium) and is a granddaughter of famous ‘Jonge Bange 4’.
‘Emira’ won:
- Orleans 10,825 p – 1st
- Niergnies 1,725 p – 1st
- Nijvel 2,402 p – 3rd
- Maaseik 1,172 p – 3rd
- Boxtel 13,496 p – 9th
- Alblis 13,020 p – 17th
‘POWER BOY’ (00-5063950)
‘Power Boy’ was 12th National Ace Long Distance NPO in 2002. He is a son of fantastic ‘Black Power’ (93-1767197) a descendant of the old Janssens and Meulemans birds. He won 1st Etampes 2,065 pigeons but what a breeder he is.
‘Black Power’ is not only father of ‘Power Boy’ but also of ‘Emperor Qin’ that was 1st World Champion Vl yb in 1998 and…he is father of ‘Amoré’ (00-5063949).
Mother of ‘Power Boy’ and Amoré’ is ‘Yi Min’, daughter of ‘Gentil’ x ‘Golden Lady’.
‘Power Boy’ won:
- Niergnies 10,158 p – 2nd
- Houdeng 7,588 p – 3rd
- Boxtel 13,496 p – 7th
- Sourdun 13,475 p – 13th
- Chimay 17,077 p – 38th
- Orleans 9,188 p – 26th
- Alblis 13,020 p – 62nd
‘AMORE’ (00-5063949)
‘Amoré’, (nest sister of ‘Power Boy’) also has a spectacular record and is the 3rd Olympiadbird 2003 for Koopman. She was 1st Provincial Ace in 2002.
‘Amoré’ won:
- Orleans 5,167 p – 9th
- La Ferte Bernard 5,164 p – 147th
- Alblis 13,020 p – 6th
- Orleans 13,020 p – 6th
- Sourdun 7,152 p – 11th
- Etampes 4,928 p – 138th.
Sourdun is the shortest race but still 528 kms.
‘BRANCO’ (94-2227820)
‘Branco’ is an older bird.
He represented Holland at the Olympiad in Basel in 1997 and is a son of ‘Ons Louis’ mated with sister ‘Eric’ (88-4024671).
He is grandfather of 99-5971339 (‘Wonder Lady’) the hen that won Semi National Orleans section 10 in 1999, 30 minutes ahead of 5,163 birds in a hard race.
‘Branco’ won:
- Boxtel 391 p – 1st
- Lorris 1,230 p – 2nd
- Aerschot 3,763 p – 2nd
- Mettet 1,829 p – 3rd
- Lommel 2,023 p – 4th
- Etampes 5,096 p- 5th
- Troyes 2,342 p – 5th
- Nijvel 3,254 p – 7th
‘RISING STAR’ (99-5971337)
‘Rising Star’s father is ‘Gandor’(94-2227906)) who is a son of ‘De Zitter’ and ‘Paloma’ who is sister of ‘Eric’.
Mother of ‘Rising Star’ (97-2252984) is a daughter of ‘Branco’.
So here we have a grandson of ‘De Zitter’ again.
‘Rising Star’ was 5th National Ace in 2001 (Middle Distance)’, His brother (raced by Beumer Sandbothe) was father of 1st National Ace Germany in 2002.
‘Rising Star’ won:
- Boxtel 13,496 p – 1st
- Houdeng 22,430 p – 11th
- Boxtel 15,031 p – 11th
- Nijvel 2,402 p – 5th
- Chimay 1,833 p – 5th
- Niergnies 1,751 p – 7th
- Hannut 4,414 p – 11th
- Niergnies 2,773 p – 13th
- Rethel 2,197 p – 14th
‘KADIR’ (99-5971371)
It may seem as if it never stops but ‘Kadir’ is another real super.
The father ‘Emperor Qin’ (98-5821415) was 1st World Champion young birds V.L. and he is a son of legendary ‘Black Power’ and 93-1768700. The latter is a daughter of ‘Eric’ mated with sister of ‘De Zitter’.
‘Fiero’ the mother of ‘Kadir’ is a daughter of the miracle pair ‘Gentil’ x ‘Golden Lady’.
‘Kadir’ won:
- Bourges 5,831 p – 1st
- Orleans 5,163 o p 5th
- Troyes 13,137 p – 4th
- Chimay 1,000 p – 23rd.
A thorough study of the results of the Koopmanbirds will make you feel dizzy.
Ten percent of what Koopman has achieved would be good enough for many others to call themselves champions.
We will give a series of highlights but it stands to reason that because of the incredible amount of titles, Ace pigeons and victories we have to restrict ourselves.
- 1st National Ace Short Distance in 1979.
- 3rd National Ace Middle Distance in 1980.
- 1st Worldchampion VL in 1994.
- 4th World Champion VL long distance (Gentil).
- 2nd National Champion NPO youngsters in 1994.
- 1st National Champion NPO long distance in 1994.
- 2nd National Ace youngsters in 1994.
- 1st S-National Creil section 7 in 1994 (16,439 birds).
- 1st S-National Etampes section 7 in 1994 (15,750 birds).
- 1st S-National Bourges section 7 in 1993 (7,688 birds)
- 1st S-National Orleans section 7 in 1993 (8,645 birds).
- 2nd World Champion VL in 1995.
- Olympiad bird at Olympiad in Utrecht in 1995 (Zeno)
- Two Olympiad birds in 1997 (Gentil and Branco)
- 2nd World Champion VL in 1998.
- 1st S-National Troyes section 10 in 1998 (17,883 birds).
- 5th World Champion VL in 1997.
- 5th World Champion VL youngsters in 1998 (Kleine Dirk)
- 5th National Champion Short Distance in 1999.
- 1st National Orleans in 1999, section. (‘Wonder Lady’).
- 1st S-National Troyes in 1999 from 17,883 birds (‘Kleine Dirk’)
- 1st S-National Bourges in 1999 from 7,165 birds (‘Kleine Dirk’)
- 1st National Champion Middle Distance NPO in 2000.
- 1st National Ace Middle Distance in 2000. (‘Mister Ermerveen’).
- 1st S-National Troyes in 2000 from 13,137 birds. (‘Miss Ermerveen’).
- 1st S-National Bourges in 2000 from 5,831 birds (‘Kadir’).
- 5th National Ace Middle Distance in 2001 (‘Rising Star’).
- 3 Birds at Olympiad 2003 in France: Ermerveen’s Hope, Amoré and Vita.
- Apart from that there are numerous top classifications in National competitions such as those of pigeon magazines De Duif and De Vredesduif.
Who can show up with results or pigeons as mentioned in this Koopman story?
In 2003 Koopman represented Holland at the Olympiad in France with the 1st and 2nd best Long Distance birds of the country.
The mothers of both birds are sisters (daughters ‘Golden Lady’) ‘Kleine Dirk’ is their brother and he is considered to be the best racer Koopman ever had!!
Talking about a family of winners!
Races from 100 kilometres or 700?
For the Koopman birds it does not make any difference.
Tailwinds or headwinds?
The Koopman birds do not care.
A competition of 500 birds or 15,000?
Koopman is just winning.
Racing cocks or hens?
Does not make any difference either. Both sexes are winning.
Koopmanbirds seem to be of another category.
De Beatrixdoffer, Eric, De Zitter, Kleine Dirk, De Zeno, Mister Ermerveen, Ermerveen’s Hope, Vita and numerous others are almost incomparable and their names will be written with golden letters in the history of Dutch pigeon racing.
A breeding pair like ‘Gentil’ and ‘Golden Lady’ normally only exists in dreams.
Their ancestors were superior birds; their descendants are even better.
In the past (and still) Koopman was after good birds, now ‘half the world’ is after Koopman birds. Especially in Germany they are hot and no wonder.
Koopman is dominating the northern part of Holland in a way that never happened before and some of his German friends are dominating the sport in their country with his birds.
In the National Ace 2002 (raced by Beumer - Sandbothe) is much Koopmanblood and the National Ace 2001 (raced by Prange) was also a half Koopman.
About 80,000 fanciers are supposed to race pigeons in Germany.
So it is not the loft, not the location or medication but clearly the quality of the birds that counts and much of the rest is bull.
Father and son Koopman became such great champions, as they are more aware of this truth than most fellow sportsmen.