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Some do nots


Never remove pigeons from the loft during the racing season. Even those birds that are no good, should be left there.

If you take birds away pigeons that stay in the loft might miss their rivals that they considered as a threat and motivated them before.

The birds that are no good, should be removed AFTER the racing season.



Do not let a pair together for too many years, even if they gave good birds. In practice it appears that the quality will get worse and worse the longer a pair is mated, apart from some exceptions.



Never leave empty nest boxes open, since this means misery later on. Then other birds might want to take possession with the result that they will fight and we are not waiting for eggs that get broken.



During the racing season you should not let the birds out in the evening when it rains. If they go into the night wet all over, they will not dry, since they do not move in the dark. A fall in condition might be the result.



Never try to save money if you medicate birds by only treating the racers. In case you feel you should medicate, you should medicate all your birds at the same time.



Do not think that only fanciers that have a site on the Internet have good birds. The opposite is true in many cases.



Do not think a bird is good because it has a good pedigree or because it came from a famous loft.



If you want pigeons from a famous loft, buy them from the fancier himself and not through others.



Many famous names have many birds.

They are mob fliers and they have more bad ones than many fanciers with few but good birds that are unknown abroad.

So do not fall for super results that are published in the media. Some owe them to an  enormous mass of birds they race, others to poor competition.



Do not think that there is any one in the world who can 100 % sure distinguish bad pigeons from good ones and do not believe in 'eye sign' either.

It is just nonsense to think that either racing or breeding value can be read in the eyes of racing horses, dogs or' pigeons.

Furthermore do not believe people who claim they know how to mate birds.



Do not mix up size with strength. Big birds does not mean strong birds. The opposite is often true.



Do not believe in forming an own family if you want to become a champion. Most good birds are products of crossings. An own family is good for business though, since many people prefer in breeds.



Do not believe that if you have a good racer and his brother does not perform, this automatically means the brother is the good breeder.



Do not mate long distance birds with sprint birds, the result will be poor birds or average.



Do not forget that serious fanciers will never sell proven breeders. So it is better to import young birds. It enhances your chances and it is good for your purse.



Do not think vitamins will boost condition and will turn your birds into winners.



Do not leave vitamins or medicine too long in the water, especially not in hot weather, since most of them expire real soon.



Do not forget grit (minerals, calcium) is the most valuable feed additive. And do not forget to refresh it frequently.



Do not think feeding is as important as many people claim. Ask 10 champions how they feed and you may get 10 different answers.



Do not enter birds for a race with a crop full of water. Such birds lack condition.



Do not withdraw birds from 2 day races to one day races. They will get 'slower'. 



Do not think that all that is written is true.



Do not ask help from a vet who has a hard time handling a pigeon.



Do not enter birds for a race if their feet are not nice and clean and the bands are so dirty that you cannot read the number. Such birds are not in good shape.