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Articles 2022 (English)

My own loft (04-10-22)

Michel B has become interested in the flight routes that pigeons travel from the release point to the home loft. If you're a bit handy, no big problem anymore with those GPS rings that are currently available.

Lees meer: My own loft (04-10-22)

Laughed too little (29-09-22)

How ashamed I was at the store that sells pigeon food. Not because of the 'pigeon clogs' that were not cleaned up, but because of few fellow sportsmen.

Lees meer: Laughed too little (29-09-22)

More mistakes (24-09-22)

Fanciers who are successful are sometimes suspected of knowing a lot about pigeons, which also applies to people who write about pigeons

Lees meer: More mistakes (24-09-22)

Mr D.Ping

Anyone who thought that after the 'doping regulations' would end with the young pigeon specialists, was therefore disappointed.

Lees meer: Mr D.Ping

Heard and read (09-09-22)

Because of the theft of all my racers I didn't feel like pigeons anymore, let alone read about them. But a lot has now been made up

Lees meer: Heard and read (09-09-22)

Other thought (28-08-22)

Getting older almost only has its drawbacks. I notice that as well as others of my  generation. But not everything is negative.

Lees meer: Other thought (28-08-22)

Unbelievable results every year (28-08-22)

Sensational 2019.

I am updating my results. They are just unbelievable. Other years will follow soon. This is not a  a summary of the best results but ALL till half July.  In magazine De Duif it says nobody in Belgium did better. 

Lees meer: Unbelievable results every year (28-08-22)

Pigeons with a story (25-07-22)

I remember as if it were yesterday when I first stood on the doorstep of Cor Leytens. I had with me a bag of broken corncobs, given to me by a Belgian, who used them as a ‘bottom cover’

Lees meer: Pigeons with a story (25-07-22)

To each own (25-07-22)

Three times I went to a pigeon day in Germany. Not so much because of the pigeons, but to get out. No telephone, no emails, no newspaper: a relief. But Germany is different. .

Lees meer: To each own (25-07-22)

Fooled and be fooled (05-05-22)

When money is at stake, as has been the case in pigeon sport for a quarter of a century by selling, people become more and more resourceful.

Lees meer: Fooled and be fooled (05-05-22)

New Hope (07-04-22)

I have been racing pigeons for many years. And let it be a traditional sport, I have unlearned, learned, discovered and bumped my head

Lees meer: New Hope (07-04-22)

Heard and read (04-04-22)

When you get older, 'regularly win prizes' and write articles, you soon become suspicious of knowing something about pigeons

Lees meer: Heard and read (04-04-22)

Lots of contradictions (31-03-22)

Whether I am serious when I make fun of names for pigeon food and question terms such as 'moulting', 'purification', 'breeding' and so on

Lees meer: Lots of contradictions (31-03-22)

eggs and stuff (19-03-22)

Without an egg no young pigeon and without a young pigeon no future champion.

Lees meer: eggs and stuff (19-03-22)

David and... (16-03-22)

In my teenage years I had three passions: Football, pigeons and 'wanting to be the best'. I initially thought I would make it as a football player because of being the best in various school teams, but that illusion was short-lived.  

Lees meer: David and... (16-03-22)