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Advise and mantra's from A S (23-03-23)

Advice/mantras from A S.

1. Many fanciers attach too little value to quality and too much to often trifling details.

2. When purchasing pigeons, also pay attention to the competition. You have a better chance in a region where people specialize. Good results and even first prizes are not everything. What also counts is the competition, where and against whom they were won.

3. Health must come first in selection. With healthy pigeons you can hardly make mistakes, if there is something wrong with it, you can hardly do anything right.

4. If two pigeons from the same nest both perform enormously, breed from them! The chance that they give good ones is high. Conversely, a good racer without a good family is rarely a good breeder.

 5. Fanciers looking for better supplements, better vitamins, a better loft, better feed, etc. should work empirically, do a test with a part of their pigeons and then compare.

 6. Medicines are for curing disease, not improving fitness or racing better.

 7. Pigeons that give only good offspring only exist in the imagination and in sales lists.

 8. Rather breed from your best racers than from their brothers or pedigree pigeons.

 9. Prefer youngsters flying ahead at 1,700 mpm and ALSO at 1,200 mpm. to youngsters who won many prizes 'in the middle'.

 10. With some publications it is useful to ask yourself why they were written and by whom. If it is not stated how many pigeons were entered and how many prizes won, stop reading. Those people have something to hide. Also be careful with old pigeons that are offered for sale.

 11. No pots with grit or mineral powder belong in your loft. Birds will not eat it since it becomes dusty. Give it fresh some times a week.

 12. Do not release pigeons in the evening when it rains. If they go into the night in the dark, they will not move, therefore they do not dry, which means losing condition.

13.  Successful pigeon racing mainly revolves around two rules:
Rule 1: Almost everything revolves around quality. So good pigeons.

Rule 2: Remember Rule 1 often. In good times and in bad.



Rule 2: Remember Rule 1 often. In good times and in bad.




Only 7 birds entered. The 7th bird won prize 30.