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Get rid of them (12-05-23)

P said he was a fan. He has been racing with pigeons for about 10 years now and has a question. His youngsters, about 40 pieces, train excellently, except for about 8. He was advised to take a cure to get the heads clean.
"Which ornithosis remedy could I advise?"
I didn't have to think long about that. Although I have little knowledge of it, I have already seen a lot of misery with fellow sportsmen. Or to be more precise, the ultimate consequences of unnecessary cures.
So my answer was: None. Every (unnecessary) cure is almost a guarantee for recurring problems later!

You know, you will get those diseases that you cure.

So no curing?
That's a half measure. The birds that refuse to fly will be the first to lose. I know that by now. There is only one adequate remedy: First try to find out which ones are those sloths and then… CLEAR the loft !! Get rid of them.
After the youngsters have been chipped, I often have the electronic clocking system turned on during this time. That showed that sometimes it was the same pigeons that first fell on the roof after training. These are usually also pigeons without a future. But of course everyone may think differently.


You should not give all your birds medicine in order to cure such a bird. Get rid of it.
Unfortunately an ambitieus fancier sometimes has no other choice than to be ruthless.