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Iran and stuff (10-07-23)


Little is known about Iran in the Netherlands and Belgium. “An Arab country” is mentioned by almost everyone and that is not correct. It may insult Iranians, a proud people. What IS correct?

 -It's a big country with one of the oldest civilizations and it could be a rich country to-day.

 -'Could' because the Muslim regime is hopelessly at odds with the West. America is considered to be a devil by the regime. Iranians are ok for America, but not the regime. 

 -In 'that west' there is also a lot of respect for the youth of Iran who dare to demonstrate for more freedom, knowing how dangerous that is.

 -You won't believe it, but girls and women there dive into the water fully clothed. No bikini or swimsuit, but compulsory headgear, while studies show that 75% of the population is against it.

-Images give the impression of dealing with a third world country, but at the same time with a resl modern nation. The death penalty still exists and a few decades ago pigeon sport made its appearance.

-As in many upcoming pigeon countries, at least 95% of the fanciers consist of nice, well-intentioned people. But a small minority is also out to fill their pockets by exploiting the ignorance and naivety of their fellow sportsmen.


A country where pigeon sport is only a few decades old is unthinkable for us in Netherlands and Belgium. Like in Saudie Arabia fanciers in Iran have a preference for the long distance and Dutch pigeons are especially popular. These are mainly imported via Iraq and Saudi Arabia, another country with a questionable reputation as for its leaders.
The knowledge they gather is mainly through Pipa, so you can guess which names are popular there.
Fanciers in Iran don't know the medicines for pigeons from here and maybe luckily. Because it is well known how things went in many other emerging countries. With the drugs came the illnesses.

It goes without saying that fanciers are still very naive in many aspects. That is kind of normal. How would you be? Many are already infected with the names and pedigree madness in which so many other countries distinguish themselves from Holland and Belgium. How could it be otherwise in a country where a quarter of a century ago they had never heard of pigeon sport and now depend on only ONE medium?


My interest was especially drawn when I saw the picture of a teenager from Iran holding a pigeon. Not at all clumsy as you would expect from a 14-year-old girl in an upcoming pigeon country, but as if she has been keeping pigeons all her young life. The pretty teenager is the daughter of an Iran pigeon fancier. It is certainly not a punishment to have such a helper. I have seen men handling birds more clumsy.


 'American beauty' is the name of a film. But beauty is by far not the 
monopoly of Americans.