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Just not true (december 12th 2021)

Just not true

 In pigeon sport a lot is exaggerated, romanticized, fantasized or simply just lied.


Example: It is better to mate pigeons with a full moon some say. You would grow better youngsters then. There are even big names who think that way. Is not it   unbelievable? When it comes to better breeders, people sometimes talk about small feathers under the wing. They call them "breeding tufts". Believe that Pipa started it. They mean that group of little feathers that you see when you open a wing.

As far as I am concerned, this can also be classified in the category "B S".


Youngsters which get home many hours too late from road training have learned a lot, some say, adding: "You will not lose those anymore."  

I don't believe in that either. NOTHING such birds have learnt. They only lost in self confidence. That is why those men who train their young at short distances several times are not doing it that wrong. Reaching the loft safely every time without problems increases confidence in inexperienced youngsters. Whether you should release them all at once or one by one? The middle way may be the best: So in smaller groups.


As far as breeding is concerned, I heard from my childhood that white eyed pigeons were more suited to clear weather and headwinds, while pigeons with dark eyes were more suited to perform in dark irregular weather. I don't believe in that either.Yet it is striking that many pigeons for the long distance have dark eyes and you have a lot of dark checkered pigeons among them. I don't know whether you can draw conclusions from that. However, it does seem likely that pigeons with a long breastbone are better suited for the long distance than short pigeons with a short breastbone.


Races with tailwinds are often dismissed by some as lucky flights. However; they are anything but. Whenever I read about a real Super Pigeon, I had for many years the habit of looking at how it performed with strong tailwinds. That mostly turned out to be even better than with headwind. Especially at unlikely speeds of 2,000 mpm or more, the supers often distinguish themselves.So "headwinds for the good, and tailwind can any pigeon do?" That also seems like a fable to me. I myself have had pigeons that only managed to distinguish themselves with a strong headwind. They have been cleaned up. Then, with a climate like ours, it seems better to have pigeons that only distinguish themselves with a tailwind. Remember that pigeons as we all would like, pigeons that can win from 100 km, 500 and from 1,000 km, pigeons that can win with a tailwind and headwind and that are also pretty and formidable breeders, only exist in our imagination and in sales programs.


It is clear that pigeons that win a 1st National can be good but not the best of the competition. After all, too many external factors play a role in winning, such as the wind in particular.

Ace pigeons is slightly different because it concerns several flights under different circumstances. But even from National Ace pigeons you can say that they do not necessarily have to be the best in the country.

See in this regard the fairytale results of pigeons in countries where pigeon sport is still in its infancy. One first win after another against many thousands of pigeons, and unbelievable coefficients has of course also to do with the strength of competition.

Buyers from the Far East are aware of this. After all, they can buy such ‘wonder pigeons’ for much less money than pigeons with a considerably poorer record in Belgium. You also take pigeons in Germany seriously, otherwise study the results of One Loft Races. No country performs like Germany.


Perhaps you remember "Armando" from Verschoot who lives in the west of Belgium. "Armando" was a wonderfully good pigeon, let there be no mistake about that. But, I wrote it before, if it had been in a loft more east, in Limburg for example, you would hardly have heard of it. And even if there had been more flights with westerly winds that year, "Armando" would not have been able to win those early prizes that he now won.


Much more than in Belgium, the Janssen pigeons were once immensely popular in the Netherlands. They were also endowed with all kinds of properties.

-They were bound to be late in dark weather and, on the contrary, especially excel in clear weather and headwind.

They would also be very sensitive to trichomonas. I never noticed anything of that. As for this many people are like parroits. They just say what others said. At the time I came to Arendonk quite often and to fanciers who only had Janssen pigeons. Especially Klak. I even clocked his pigeons manually for the last two years before electronic clocking because Jos was struggling with his health. He never complained about trichomonas, in fact, he never even treated. Andre Roodhooft was also a regular guest in Arendonk and I never heard him talk about "Janssen pigeons that were so sensitive to canker."


You should avoid rats like the plague. They eat the food, piss on the food and that can never be good for pigeons. Hence, they are said to be propagators of paratyphoid. I have heard from several scientists that this is not correct. They only do this if they come into an environment where paratyphoid already prevails. They put it on, from the pigeons for example, and in turn spread it.


Barley is controversial. "Gold" says one, Dirk van Dijck gives a month no different. And he is not alone. How can that be reconciled with people who say pigeons will instinctively peck what is good for them? They will certainly not eat barley.

‘A lot of barley in a mixture would also mean that pigeons never overeat and never get too fat’, is another myth. I have already handled muddy pigeons that did not eat anything else than barley. Nor do I believe that so-called 'hemp seed' would make pigeons more passionate as you can often hear. Some people just want to appear interesting by acting interesting.


In a serious Dutch newspaper you could read that New Kim, the 1.6 million pigeon, had moved to China. Not true of course. Those extremely expensive pigeons stay in Belgium. Their BABIES are sent to China.

 One of my incredible 2020 results. 2.071 birds in the (hard) race. I only entered 16 !!! Below the winner that was 8 minutes ahead of 2,071 pigeons.

Below 721. Im 2019 I named her 006 again