Vouchers (30-12-2019)
In wintertime most pigeon clubs organise an auction in which fanciers can bid on vouchers. The highest bidder you can apply to the fancier for a young bird, or, pay attention, for a couple of eggs.
The proceeds are not for the fancier who donates a voucher but for the club. It often happens that, if you apply to the fancier directly, you pay far more for his youngsters than for the voucher.
Gaston v d Wouwer, Bros v d Brande, Nick and Roger Thijs are examples of fanciers that got real good birds through such a voucher that they bought. These days my club also organises an auction and up till now the highest bid on some vouchers of real good fanciers is real low. See:
www.duivenmarktplaats.nl > Doevepeet > P V de Valk Baarle Nassau.
As usual there is a high bid again on the voucher that I donated, but there are others that are worth a bid. Once more, the money is for the club. The auction goes on till January 6th.
You can apply to Mr. Jaap Rijnberg.