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Logbook 2007

I get questions from both America, China and also Germany about Sissi. I got this bird from Gaby Vandenabeele in 1991. In 1999 she gave me tha last 2 babies and she died in 2000.  So direct children off her born later than 2000 are fake. She was mated with Wittenbuik indeed. Off this pair I got 2 babies that were transferred to England.   

Epidemic (23/12/2007 )

It seems an epidemic. Another victim: Last night 28 breeders were stolen from Belgians National Champion Marcel Aelbrecht from Lebbeke.

How deep can people fall to steal the life work of a 79 year old champion.

Another historic pigeon (21/12/2007 )

Once I write an article about "historic pigeons". Another one may be added. Mr Colijn from Holland auctioned his birds last week. Amongst them was a real super racer with a GB band that he got from Peter Fox (Syndicate Lofts) England. This miracle bird was bought by L Claessens for 19,200 euro. Normally foreigners buy Dutch birds. This time it was the reverse. An English super bird was bought by a Dutch champion.  

Arme duivensporters (17/12/2007 )

Ons werd steeds voorgehouden dat vogelgriep duivensport niet ingrijpend zou treffen omdat die verspreid zou worden door trekvolgens in het voor- en najaar maar niet tijdens het vliegseizoen. "Zou" dus want recentelijk kon men lezen dat wetenschappers meenden dat verspreiding NIET veroorzaakt werd door trekvogels. Ze lijken gelijk te hebben. Midden in de zomer was er vogelgriep in Duitsland en nu... midden in de winter in Engeland, weer in Duitsland en vooral in Polen.  Ach, woonden we maar in Duitsland. Daar legt men duivensport niets in de weg, ook al IS er vogelgriep. En Duitsers staan toch bekend vanwege hun Grundlichkeit.

Ubelievable (12/12/2007 )

November 21st I wrote that those people who claim that  traditional auctions are history due to the Internet are wrong.  This was proven again last weekend. Harry and Roger Wijnands auctioned part of their birds. For 99 pigeons no less than 401.160 euro was paid, so 4,052 euro average. Many top pigeons were bought by Thone but Gerard Koopman lay hands on the most expensive bird: (43,200 euro). And do not be surprised, this was only part of the auction, part 2 will take place coming weekend and... this was NOT A TOTAL auction. Wijnands goes on racing.   Is pigeon sport dead??

How dirty (06/12/2007 )

Mrs Koopman phoned to tell me the tragic news that all pigeons that were meant to be auctioned Dec 27th were stolen last night. It stands to reason Gerard is heart broken, not only because of this enormous financial loss but because he could never think people could be so evil. He himself has been after good birds all his life and paid what people charged him. Other bad news comes from China. Again pigeons were sold, this time through the internet, with false pedigrees and unbelievable records. The records were so fantastic that smart guys over there did not trust, they checked in Europe and they were right. All fake!! When will this stop? Most fanciers in China do not understand English and depend on importers. Too bad some of them are evil! 

Again Home Alone (30/11/2007 )

In many publications one can read about the great successes of the offspring of "Home Alone" (98-5812162, a son of Ace Four).
"Home Alone" the one and only.
In quality magazine "De Duif" (owned by Jan en Rik Hermans) one could read that J v d Putten got a son of Home Alone that became father of 4 winners and of 2 birds that won in the first 10 National. It is also grandfather of 10 first prize winners and numerous other Aces. A brother (97-130) is grandfather of 2 National winners for Michel Vanlint (through De Bruyn) and an Olympiad bird. A sister is mother of world famous Alessandro Verkerk (father 1st National Chateauroux). J v d Putten also got a gr.son of 95-2067230 (brother Ace Four) that became father of 6 first prize winners and gr.father of 5 first pize winners. It also gave 7th Nat. NPO Toury.  95-230 is also gr.father of the 4th NATIONAL Ace from P v d Merwe AND... of "Johnny Boy" that was the best ybird of Holland (Best of the best) and 2nd National Ace Old birds. "Johnny Boy" himself produced numerous winners against 1000s of birds for G Munnik).  DIRECT children of 230 and Home Alone produced 2nd and 3d National Orleans 2007 (37.000 pigeons). A sister of Ace Four was mother of 1st National La Souterraine and 13th National Argenton and 1st Provincial Blois in Belgium.  M Verpalen became 1st Provincial Champion 2007 with my birds (through John Rox who also bred the best bird of Holland in 2006 off my birds). 

Auctions (21/11/2007 )

With the numerous auctions through the Internet of today some wonder if traditional auctions with the physical presence of  birds are out dated. They are not which was proven last weekend provided quality birds are for sale. "De Duif" (J Hermans) had 3 successful auctions. One of Dr Ally, the successful long distance champ with his Vandenabeele birds.  His 64 summer breeds went for an average price of 512 e (20% included). Also Verkerk auctioned summer breeds (56): average 891 e (20% included). Furthermore Hermans also auctioned all 83 birds of Short Distance Ace Maes Stevens. Though it was sprint birds (raced from 120 kms) an enormous crowd of people showed up. Total proceeds 76,380 e (920 e average). The most expensive bird (a 2002 cock) was sold for 10,800 e.          

Good news for Rumanian fanciers (14/11/2007 )

"Vesti minunate pentru columbofilii romani. Numeroase articole in limba romana pot fi gasite acum pe pagina de internet. Vezi < articole> limba romana" (Dani)

One Loft Race in Belgium (02/11/2007 )

The one loft race the Belgians (KBDB) organised in 2007 (a so called world championsip) was a great succes. At the same place (Nevele) one loft races will be held yearly from now on. It seems the Belgians are following the rest of the world. Since Hermans and Herbots take responsibility the organisation is in good hands.  

The loft in Nevele Belgium where other one loft races will be held.   

Houben (30/09/2007 )

After the tragic deaths of Jef Houben and his daughter Nadia in a few months time Luc, the sister of Nadia, decided not to quit the sport. He stops working for 2 years, will go on racing and then he will see.&nbsp;&nbsp;

Book is out (20/09/2007 )

The Best of Ad Schaerlaeckens

From the World renowned Pigeon Sport author and fancier comes the latest English language publication - published in hardback with dust jacket, this book contains 288 pages of text and illustrations.

Electrolytes...Trapping...Double Widowhood...Clip Rings...Pedigrees...A Good Loft...Conditioning...Young Bird Disease...Taiwan...The Bath...Hormones...Grit...Oxygen...Light...Dark...Medication...feed...

These topics and many more are covered in this new publication!

?20.00p. FREE delivery to anywhere in Europe if ordered before 1st December 2007. Add ?7.00p delivery for the rest of the World.

Buy online at
Easiest way to the link  direct to the book on the store. This may be usefull and simple to buy on line.


Champions! (13/09/2007 )

To see who were the REAL champions in the province of Antwerp in 2006 see articles! 

Winner Dutch Open pure AS (12/09/2007 )

Rene van der Zande had great news. He and his team won the famous Dutch open. The parents of the winner he got from me.  From Mr Kayama we got the news that Mr Amano Japan won 1st International One Loft race fromm Nagasaki, 600 kms with a half AS.
Pedigree winner Dutch open 2007

Robbe Peter and me (09/09/2007 )

We had the last race in the year. I entered 2 young birds from team in Belgium for Gueret, no less that 613 kms in hard weather. Bright and headwinds. The release was early morning, birds got home by dark. After nearly 11 hours flying Robbe won 2nd prize in ZAV (province Antwerp) at the greatest distance. From this NATIONAL results of great names are published on 2 Internet sites. One (from ALL Belgium) had 5 birds home from 34 when I had 1 from 2. Another great name was said to have a super result but.... when he had 3 from 52 birds I had half of my birds home (one from two). This bird, bred by John Meurysse, was on top in ALL 4 long distance races 500 plus kms. ------------------   In Holland Henri van Doorn won 1st and 2nd S-National Orleans in 2006. He won 2, 3, 4, 6 S-National Orleans 2 weeks ago. He won 2, 3 and 4 S-National yesterday!    Bloodline mainly A S !!!  ----------------- Famous Peter v d Merwe destroyed a race from Peronne on the same day. He won 1, 2, 4, 5, 10 and so on from 11,346 pigeons. He had 1st and 2nd fastest of whole release of no less than 30,371 pigeons.  His first 3 pigeons were bred off birds of mine again!  

Crazy August 25th (27/08/2007 )

Saturday August 25th the Dutch had their big NATIONAL race from Orleans. It was a fair and hard race with bright skies and headwinds.  Total entry (half the country) no less than 37,602 birds!! The SENSATIONAL news is that:   - The 2nd of 37,602 birds (total release) belonged to Mr Merx. It is a descendant of 98-5812162 (Home Alone which is son Ace Four).  - The 3rd of 37,602 pigeons was won by Florian Hendriks. It is a descendant of 95-2067230, that is a brother of Ace Four! - 1st S-National Zone 2 from Mr v Halderen carries AS blood. - In Section 2 the big sensation was Henri van Doorn. He won 2, 4, 5, 6 S-National NPO of appr 9.000 birds! In all these birds is AS blood. The bird that won 2nd is off spring 97-1642130 (brother Home Alone, brother 98-1326845 that is mother of Alessandro Verkerk (off Ace Four) again. Henri he was 1 second short to win 1st S-National.  97-130 is father to a super breeding hen in loft W de Bruyn that produced winners against 1000s of birds including nationals raced by Michel Vanlint.   - Also on August 25th there was a S-National NPO race from Ablis.  P v d Merwe won 2, 12 and 18 from 17,730 birds. Two of them were bred off my birds. (line 95-230, brother Ace Four). This means that from the hard National Orleans race 2007 with a birdage of 37,602 the 2nd, 3rd, 7th, 14th, 15th, 16th and 18th bird all carry the bloodlines of pigeons AS. - Also on this day the Belgians had their National race from La Souterraine, about 620 kms. Bart van Oeckel won 7 and 13 National at one of the greatest distances.  The same bird that won 13th won 1st National last year!!! NATIONAL is ALL Belgium. It is bred off a DIRECT bird of mine, namely Sister Ace Four.  Its halfbrother won some weeks before 2nd Provincial Argenton (appr 4,300 p).        

And again (19/08/2007 )

My team in Belgium. Despite the bad location to day 8 prizes from 9 young birds entered in the Fed.  In ARTICLES (Dutch) there is a short summary. 

Commotion (18/08/2007 )

And again my team in Belgium caused commotion. Last weekend they won Provincial (Fed ZAV Antwerp) 1, 5, 7 (12 from 16) with strong headwinds, speed 1,070 mpm. To day they won with tailwinds 1, 6, 11.  The bird that won 1st was SEVEN minutes ahead of all the rest in Antwerp (12 prizes from 15 birds).  Mr Outshoven won 1st prize, 6 minutes ahead, with grandchild 99-605.

What a weekend (14/08/2007 )

Past weekend: - Mr Banken won 1st from 9,500 pigeons with descendant of 05-1490748 (off 02-1739790 x 04-2197333) and 04-147091 off 98-162 (Home Alone). - Mr Falco Ebben came 1 mpm short with half AS pigeon and so did his uncle. - Mr Remco Cock won 11 prizes in the first 12 from 650 pigeons and 1, 2, 3, 4 against 2,900 pigeons with half A.S. pigeons. - Mr Jespers from Holsbeek got some eggs from me. From THE BIG RACE IN BELGIUM, National Bourges, he was outstanding winning 4th, 15t, 19th, 30th from, do not be surprised, 31,428 birds. From National Argenton he was even better and won NATIONAL 8 prizes in the first 100 from 20,921 pigeons  - Mr R v d Boogaard won NPO race 1st National from 17,050 p. It is a descendant of 95-230 (brother Ace Four) and 96-5660144 (sister Ace Four). - Famous Crucke won 1st with a lead of 5 minutes this weekend with a half AS through John Meurysse.  - My team in Belgium was sensational again in this weekend. * On Saturday I won Provincial (Fed ZAV) from Dourdan, almost 400 kms in very hard weather (less than 1,100 mpm) 1st, 5th, 7th and so on. 16 Birds entered and 12 prizes. By far the best result in the province of Anwerp just as in previous races against so many famous names.

On Sunday I raced 7 babies only from Noyon. Again by far the best result in the Fed in Antwerp. They won 4, 5, 11, 27(!) from 812 birds which is very much for Belgian standards. So the 4th bird of 7 even won in first 3 %.  * On Monday the Belgians had their National race from Argenton, nearly 600 kms. The race should be on Saturday but due to bad weather birds were released on Monday. From my team in Belgium I entered 5 young birds only and, do not be surprised, 4 of them were classified in the first half of the prizes !! It is unbelievable but from nearly 600 kms from over 30,000 birds 2 of the 5 arrived together. The first one is from young champion John Meurysse, who himself is kind of shocked by the results he has with my birds.  

Sunny Saturday (07/08/2007 )

Saturday August 4th is called black Saturday due to the heavy traffic on our roads. For me and my pigeons it was Sunny Saturday. - I raced 8 yearling hens in Belgium (Federation Sint Job) in 2007. Saturday it became known that 3 of them became 1st, 4th and 5th Ace pigeon. - I entered 16 youngsters in the Belgian Fed ZAV on Saturday. 13 Of them won a prize and 9 prizes were won in the first 10 percent! By far the best result. The week before 14 of those 16 won a prize and I was also then the best! - Falco Ebben won 1st from 1,100 pigeons with a half A. S. This was the 7th first of this young champion in the combine this year. - Superchamp Verkerk hit teletext (first NPO race) with Grumpy, that won 2 firsts before from 6,500 and 5,400 birds. Also 4th from 2,600 birds. Again... a half AS bird. - Henri van Doorn won from Chantilly 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 13, 15, 17, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 31. Total 30 prizes in first 100 from 2,200 pigeons. 90% AS blood. - Weekly J Meurysse Belgium mentions sensational results of his (half) AS birds.  -  A Geutskens won on Saturday 1st National NPO race from no less than 16.100 pigeons! It is off spring of a bird of mine through Mike Hopman who enabled me to update this site. 

Flauwe kul (03/08/2007 )

Ik ben nogal sceptisch van aard en geloof in steeds minder behalve de goede duif. Zo heb ik ook nooit in inversie geloofd als zijnde oorzaak van verliezen. Een van onze convoyeurs denkt er hetzelfde over. Die ze me eens hoe zijn Belgische collegae hem uitlachten toen hij met fraai weer niet in Quievrain mocht lossen vanwege inversie.  De Belgen kenden dat woord niet eens en losten.   Twee uur later, toen het erg warm aan het worden was, mochten onze jongen los.    Resultaat? De Belgische duiven keerden zeer vlot huiswaarts, die van ons zeer slecht. Afgelopen woensdag (1 augustus) stond op teletekst dat er zeer zware inversie was, maar onze duiven waren los en... kwamen zeer vlot naar huis zonder verliezen!!!

Peter again (29/07/2007 )

Yesterday Champion Peter v d Merwe won again 5th from no less than 33,500 pigeons with a pigeon he bred off one of mine. A full sister won for Peter 1st, 1st, 2nd in the Combine Line 191, 144 and Creilman. In my loft in Belgium I won 14 prizes of 16 birds I entered from Marne against all the great stars.  

And again (22/07/2007 )

- Leo Baardman won 4th S-National NPO from 33,700 pigeons with an AS bird. - I referred to the Super from P v d Merwe (bred off son 230, brother "Ace Four") that won 1st, 1st and 2nd against 1000s of pigeons in 3 weeks time but Super Champ Bas Verkerk has a fantastic bird of the same bloodline as well. A grandchild of "Alessandro" (off daughter "Ace Four") won in some weeks" time: 6,500 p - 1st 5,400 p - 1st 2,600 p - 4th      Unfortunately Bas belongs to those people that lost most of their best birds in the smash from Germany last Saturday.

Another smash (22/07/2007 )

The day before yesterday the whole country had a 2 day race from Germany, the Northern provinces had a one day race. They all ended in a catastrophe. Even one day later 75% of the birds were not home yet. Unfortunately France opened its borders 2 days too late to change the racing schedule   

Frankrijk open (20/07/2007 )

Het is nu zeker. Frankrijk opent de grenzen voor onze duiven

Peter van de Merwe (18/07/2007 )

Super champion Peter van de Merwe did it again. Last weekend he won 1st from 3,200 pigeons with a bird that he bred from one of mine (95-230 brother Ace Four). The SAME bird also won 1st the week before! By now the number of 1st prizes that Superman Peter won with my birds crossed must be close to 10. Ben Pieper has a pure A S bird that won 5 times 1st this year in the Combine.

Again Home Alone (18/07/2007 )

J v d Putten from Handel again performed real well with the bloodline from Home Alone. The young bird specialist won last weekend 1, 2, 3, 5, 9, 10, 11 and so on from 3,390 birds in a hard race. 6 of these birds descend from Home Alone.

1, 2, 3 (15/07/2007 )

From Bouillon 3 birds arrived together winning 1st, 2nd and 3rd in the Fed (1,342 p). Among them 07-210 and 07-211, two nestbrothers. They were bred off a son of 96-5660145 and 04-6075300. 
The week before I won 2, 3 and 6 in the Fed.  Very strange is what happened the same day on long distance. The Dutch raced from Baden, the Belgians from Heidelberg, both towns are located  closely to each other, so the pigeons had the same route on their way home.  Baden was a pretty fast race for the Dutch. For the Belgians the race was a catasthophe, the losses were enormous.

AS pigeons outstanding (08/07/2007 )

This weekend the weather was real nice. It looked as if it was AS weather. My birds performed fantastic (news will follow), M Outshoven won 1st in the Fed was a bird of mine, famous Mr Verbree won 7th S-National NPO (descendant Orleansdoffertje) and photogorapher Mr Falco Ebben won 5th S National NPO with a half A.S. bird. Peter van de Merwe won 1st prize from over 2,000 birds with descendant 95-230, brother Home Alone

Barcelona (07/07/2007 )

This was the weekend of Barcelona, Sint Vincent and the French government that forbade all pigeon races. The birds for Barcelona were lucky. The trucks had already arrived in Spain when the French minstry forbade races. The Belgian birds that were in Sint Vincent, in the south of France, were taken some kilometres more south so that they could be released in Spain and fly over France on their way home. Crazy situation. At 9.50 June 6th 25,820 pigeons were released at Barcelona. Belgium 12.738 p Holland 7.525 p Germany 2.480 p France 2.122 p England 219 p Poland 436 p Hungry 95 p Luxembourg 111 p Rumania 41 p Malta 37 p Slovakia 26 p. Crowet Belgium clocked at 2.27 a.m. but the bird will be classified at 5.08 a.m. when the neutralisation time stopped, thus losing a top prize. Due to the Westernwind the top prizes were won by Germans or fanciers in the East of Belgium and Holland. 1. Mennen and daughter Germany 2. Tubee Netherlands 3. Rous Netherlands

Who stops the circus? (27/06/2007 )

After the National 2 day race from Sint Vincent with its many nightly arrivals I wrote in NPO magazine an article "who stops the circus?" After Pau International it seems the circus goes on. Gerard van Thuyl wins the 5th National in Holland but... he wins the 1st International. How can such a thing be explained to non fanciers? His bird arrived at 4.41 a.m. So in the dark. Due to different rules as for neutralisation and the clocking of both gummi bands the Dutch classify its arrival at 5.19 a.m.  The Belgian organiser classify its arrival at 5.00 a.m.  Understandably people that want to buy the National winner in Holland and the International winner are upset. Naturally the international winner is worth much more than the national winner. But...the International winner wins 5th National. Crazy!  

Great news (25/06/2007 )

Before the smash we had a series of 7 races up to 325 kms. All of them were fair and hard; bright and headwinds. The results were breath taking.  My birds won all possible 1st championships on all levels: club, "kring", combine, Federation. In the federation about 10,000 birds competed every week.

Racing team in Belgium (24/06/2007 )

Last Sunday my racing team in Belgium won 8 prizes from 8 birds that I entered. I do not have more than 8. To day "only" 7 of them won a prize. Also superstar W de Bruyn is in the winning mood. He won 1st, 2nd and 3rd against 6,000 birds. The winner was one minute ahead. It is both on father"s and mother"s side a descendant of my 277 that is a son of Sissi. Last week he won 1st Chantilly (9,000) birds with a descendant of 277 and the week before he won NPO race Bourges, again with a descendant of 277. Sissi is a legend indeed and so is the dentist.

And again (18/06/2007 )

Today both W de Bruyn and P van de Merwe had good news. Willem won last week 1st NPO from Bourges with descendant Sissi (appr 12,000 birds), yesterday he won first Chantilly with descendant Sissi against thousands of birds.  Peter won from the same race 1st and 2nd with pigeons bred off mine. Both fanciers (just like Verkerk, Leytens and so on) are among the greatest champions of Holland and understandably they themselves have good birds to mate with mine, so that chances are greater to succeed.

My Belgian racing team (18/06/2007 )

Last week the Middle Distance races in Belgium were cancelled due to the bad weather. Yesterday my racing team over there wearing Dutch bands performed real well again. The whole team (8 hens) were entered and they all were classified in the prizes. So score 100%.

Is dat sport? (17/06/2007 )

Dit weekend stond de klassieker Sint Vincent op het menu. Van duivenSPORT durf ik niet te zeggen. Een SPORT veronderstelt dat deelnemers gelijke kansen hebben. Bij vluchten voor duiven is dat vanwege het weer zelden het geval maar organisatoren van welke competities of wedstrijden dan ook hebben de plicht hun best te doen. Of het nu wielrennen, voetballen, biljarten of... duiven betreft. Al jaren ergeren mensen zich aan uitslagen met wind mee vanwege achterhaalde regels mbt neutralisatie. Dit weekend was het weer raak. In sector 3 won een duif geklokt om 3.30 uur de 6e prijs, een duif die een vol uur plus een kwartier later arriveerde werd winnaar. Verschil in afstand: 15 kilometer. Dit krijg je toch geen buitenstaander of ander zinnig mens wijs gemaakt?  De "snelste" van allemaal (nou ja "snelste") moest uiteraard in het uiterste noorden worden gezocht. Alle respect voor duif en Gerard maar 2,232 mpm ofwel 134 kilometer per uur voor een afstand van ongeveer 1.250 (?) kilometer? Komaan. We kennen het fenomeen/de onrechtvaardigheid al jaren maar wie odet er iets?  Met sterke wind mee zijn valse uitslagen, want dat zijn het, te voorzien. Daar kan je wel degelijk iets aan doen door meer flexibel te zijn door vroeg te lossen zodat de duiven dezelfde dag thuis zijn. Jammer dat het geen Barcelona betrof. Belgen zouden het nooit pikken als (pakweg) de eerste 500 duiven in Nederland zouden vallen. Zo"n "ramp" is kennelijk nodig om de ogen te openen en aan deze waanzin voor eens en altijd een eind te maken.

Weetjes (16/06/2007 )

- Section 9 raced from Epernay 2 weeks ago. The race was hard, only one bird from Mr Frans Timmermans made more than 1.100 mpm. It was a 100 % Schaerlaeckensbird that beat no less than 21,000 birds. Another bird bred and raced by me was the fastest from Noyon in the province of Antwerp. Frans Timmermans Wehl overwon met een 100 % zuivere AS duif 21.000 medekampers in een zeer zware vlucht. - Dat je in de wisselvallige maand juni soms geluk nodig hebt met lossen bleek vandaag. Diverse afdelingen stonden met de duiven in Chantilly, alleen Brabant 2000 durfde het aan te lossen en... de vlucht kende een vlot verloop. Bijna 1.900 mpm voor de snelste en... geen verliezen. - Verliezen worden er (opnieuw) wel geleden met jongen, zelfs bij fraai weer. Op staat een interessante studie over de mogelijk oorzaak. Maar de fenomenen waarvan sprake bestonden vroeger ook en toen verloor men amper duiven. Dat was in het pre-gsm en internet tijdperk. - Lars Vercammen en vader Jos stuntten van Toury en Chateauroux. Op beide vluchten op een dag 59 duiven ingezet en 54 prijzen! Ongelooflijk. - De bezoekersaantallen van deze site vliegen de hoogte in met soms meer dan 1.100. PER DAG DUS!

No reason to worry (10/06/2007 )

3 Weeks ago we had the greatest smash ever, despite strong tailwinds then. We were a bit prepared since the birds kept flying around the release station for 1,5 hours. Drie weken geleden hadden wij de grootste ramp ooit ondanks de wind mee. We waren een beetje voorbereid omdat de duiven 1,5 uur boven de losplaats bleven vliegen.  Today the weather was so bad North of Paris that there were no releases and the birds were taken back home by truck. Vandaag was het ten noorden van Parijs zo slecht dat er amper lossingen waren en veel duiven met de trucks terug kwamen. However the long distance races (south of Paris) were released, since the weather was nice there, despite the head winds. De fondvluchten gingen door omdat het weer ten zuiden van Parijs goed was. Some called me before the home coming, since they were worried because of the bad weather.  Sommigen belden bezorgd voor de aankomst van de duiven vanwege slecht weer hier. I reassured them since races never end up in a smash if the birds have a nice start after the release. Ik stelde ze gerust, als het vertrek goed is, zijn er zelden problemen. And indeed, despite the bad weather the last 300 kilometres, the headwinds and the distance (600 kilometres or more) the birds got home very well. En inderdaad, ondanks het slechte weer de laatste 300 kilometer en de tegenwind arriveerden de duiven vlot. It is a proof again how important it is that the birds make a smooth start. Het was nogmaals een bewijs hoe belangrijk een goed vertrek is. Eenmaal op koers gaan die door.  Among the fanciers that performed well were J v Wanrooy (drs. H de Weerd), Braad de Joode, W de Bruyn, H Calon and H v Boxmeer, all well known names as for long distance.  Onder de uitblinkers zien we welbekende namen op de eendaagse fond zoals die van J v Wanrooy (H de Weerd), Braade de Joode, W de Bruyn, Calon en H v Boxmeer.

Boring? (04/06/2007 )

June 3rd P v d Merwe won 3rd and 10th (34,000 birds) from Creil, headwinds. Those birds were off a son of 95-2067230 (Brother Ace Four). June 4th I myself won with my team in Belgium 1, 3, 4.  5 First pick birds in the first 15 prizes !!! The winner (06-020) only a yearling hen is already famous now. She was 25 mpm ahead, appr 5 minutes of the whole release (appr 10,000 birds). It is one of the twins that won 5 firsts before, see "the story of the twins" in English articles.   I entered 9 birds entered, 8 first pick birds won a prize. The week before the same team won 1, 4 and 5 (7 first pick birds from 9 won a prize). Other good news is that a bird off a Peter v d Merwe pigeon (from 048 x Golden Eye) performs real well for me.

And again (29/05/2007 )

Just got a phone call from Mr H v d Oetelaar. He had the fastest pigeon from 28,000 some minutes ahead from a pigeon of mine! The father is off 96-2395060 (from Creilman). The mother is from 98-1326845 (daughter Ace four!). The bird won a 1st before. The mother of this miracle bird is a sister of 99-1002605. Thanks God I turned down a big offer for it from a Chines. 98-845 is also mother famous Alessandro Verkerk (father Sprint 3rd World champ VL). A coincidence is that in same week PvdM wins 3rd NPO from 42,000 birds. Off of 230 (brother Ace Four) and a daughter of 060 won won 1st prize for me in my loft in Belgium. The bird of Mr v d Oetelaar is closely related to the hen of Bart van Oeckel that produced 1st National La Souterraine and 3rd National Argenton ALL BELGIUM.

The press (27/05/2007 )

Again good news on Schaerlaeckensbirds in the pigeon press. Mr Boenders from Rijkevorsel Belgium has been a great champion for years. In 2006 he got a grandchild from "Ace Four" that is his best pigeon and won May 20th  first prize. - That weekend M Pol won 1st from 1000s of birds and so did Kapelle (4,548 p). - Mr Jespers from Holsbeek Belgium won 2nd Provincial Blois (descendant 95-230). - P v d Merwe got 3 birds together that won 1, 2, 3 from no less than 42,000 pigeons. One of them he bred off a pigeon from Schaerlaeckens (descendant 95-230). - Mr Ferry v Loo became NATIONAL National Long distance. He won 1st National Blois (S 8) with a bird of Schaerlaeckens origine and his sensational "Swing"( 04-306) also descends from my loft. "Swing" became 1st Ace pigeon Short Distance (Fed) and ALSO 1st Ace Long Distance (proovincial 4,200 members).  "Swing" won: Prov Chantilly 1st 7th Nat. NPO Blois 7th (615 km) 7th Nat NPO Bourges (630 km) 20th Nat NPO Orleans (560 km).

The smash (21/05/2007 )

On teletekst page 840 of tv station "Omroep Brabant" ( the person in charge of the release of this most fatal race in history apologises, he takes full responsibility and deeply regrets the immense losses. According to him circumstances were not that bad but much to the surprise of all people present the birds did not leave the place after the release but kept flying around. Nobody will ever find out why. The Belgians that were there (Pithiviers) to release their birds were so shocked about what they saw that they decided to cancel their race. What makes this day so dramatic is not only the massive losses but the fact that it was especially the proven Super birds that never got back. Do such birds "go for it" too much? Is it "fly or die" for them? Anyway, te first Middle distance race 2007 was also the last for many a fancier in my province.  Mr De Dooy, National champion 2005 is one of the victims, Mr van Laarhoven, who performed so well this year is another one and so am I. None of my "dream team" that won all 1st Championships on all levels in 2007 (after 6 races with bright weather, strong headwinds) got back home. Birds that won 1st prizes from 10,000 plus pigeons, Ace birds plus multiple first prize winners all got lost. A season that is finished after one Middle Distance race only is unique.  Too bad for the sport, for the fanciers and even more for our poor and beloved pigeons that we will never see again.

National Aces Germany (17/05/2007 )

Dave Petersen USA informed us that he had bought the 5th, 10th and 13th best Natinal Ace of ALL Germany 2006. These 3 birds were bred off pigeons of mine from both father"s and mother"s side, so they are 100 % pure AS birds. They were raced by Mr Schwichtenberg who only has Schaerlaeckens pigeons and who became 2nd National Champion ALL Germany in 2006. It is said that never before one fancier had 3 birds in the 13 best of the whole country.

Again from 230 (14/05/2007 )

Mr Stevens beat 9,000 birds with a pigeon off 02-797, a daughter of 95-230 x 01-067. (230 is brother "Ace Four"). Another brother (05-772) beat 9,376 pigeons April 14th 2007, another one (02-790) was also fastest whole release while his sister 02-791 won 6 firsts. A daughter of 95-230 became mother 4th National Ace 2006, raced by Peter v d Merwe. Mr Munnik has a decendant of 230 that became National Ace youngsters (best of the best) and 2nd National Ace, this bird in turn gave 6 "provincial" winners, but... it is not all gold that glitters. Of course not children off 230, 145 and so on are good!  That"s pigeon sport !

What a speed (14/05/2007 )

No less than 2,033 mpm made my first birds in on May 12th or... 122 kms per hour. But still that was not good enough.  The over all result was far worse than from previous races but not bad with prizes 13, 14, 28, 37 and so on from 1,410 pigeons (only 11/26 this time). The wind from behind was so stormy that in some clubs 1.904 mpm (114 kms per hour!!!) was not good enough to even be on the prize list (1 per 3).  The bad thing was that the pick birds (my best) failed. Was it because it was a lucky race? Hmmm. A race is a race!

And again (14/05/2007 )

May 5th Mr Kapellen from Tiel won 1st from Epehey from over 30,000 pigeons with a bird of mine. Inbred Sissi.

Hemmy 1 and 2 (11/05/2007 )

In Section East (9) no less than 32,551 pigeons were raced from Pommeroeil last weekend. The 2 fastest birds of this immense amount belonged to Hemmy ten Brincke. They were two half Schaerlaeckens birds (crossed). 

This just cannot go on (07/05/2007 )

It is going to be boring but perhaps result on May 5th was my best in 2007. The condition of my birds just has to go down.  The weather was very hard again, strong head winds, low speed. In Combine 29 birds entered. 22 of them won a prize. 19 top prizes 1:10. From no less than 10,265 birds my first bird won 9th. When I had 22 birds from 29 still 600 prizes were to be won. The bird that won 9th is 05-1490773, the sister of 1490772 that won April 14th 1st from 9.376 pigeons. One day later, May 6th, I entered 10 hens from loft in Belgium. 8 won a top prize. 3 Birds arrived together, they would have won 1, 2 and 3 in combine. In big Fed ("St Job"). I missed 1st prize with 3 seconds. It was 2, 4 and 5 and again by far the best in Belgium. 2nd prize winner (06-009) is a daugher of 05-772 that won 1st from 9,376 p. 4th prize: 06-928. Her mother is 05-1490773 (!) that won one day earlier 9th from over 10,000 birds. Her father was a brother to the mother!! So a baby of brother sister mating. Coincidence since I practise free matings. Pedigrees of first birds in Dutch and Belgian competition below.

Winners (04/05/2007 )

April 21st "Federation 9 (East)" had a race from Isnes. Mr Sprakel won 1st from 13,110 birds (section 1). This bird was also fastest of the whole release (32,591 pigeons). Both parents came from the Schaerlaeckensloft. In Section 3 Mr Hartjes beat 10,414 birds with a "half A. S. bird" through Mr Jeene. Mr Adams is the owner of a real miracle bird. It beat 10,020 birds with 20 mpm. Two weeks before the same bird was 3rd from 9,500 pigeons. Then it was beaten by 2 birds of mine. The mother of this miracle Mr Adams got from me. Bloodline Sissi and W de Bruyn.

Useless (02/05/2007 )

People sometimes ask why there is no phone number, fax or email address on my site. One reason is I do not have any birds for sale, therefore it is useless to contact me, sorry.  My results are published to show that it cannot all be nonsense what they read in my articles. 

Fanciers from the Far East feel free to contact Miss Maggie Ku ( from Taiwan for further information.  

It never stops (02/05/2007 )

Today MrGeert Munnick informed me that his "Johnny Boy" (05-1844389) was the best youngster of Holland in 2005 in "The Best of the Best", as a yearling it became 2nd National Ace Holland (WHZB) Middle Distance and 2nd World Champion Winning Open. His father won 3 firsts (average 2,500 birds), 12 of its babies performed fantastic. "Johnny boy" again descends from 95-230, the brother of "Ace Four". Remember a son of 230 is also father 4th National Ace 2006 (raced by P v d Merwe). So both the 2nd and 4th best pigeons from ALL Holland in 2006 descend from 95-230. 05-772 that won 1st prize from 9,500 pigeons April 14th 2007 is a direct son of 230! It was also published in NPO that Mr Nijhof had National Ace Middle Distance in 2006 with a half Schaerlaeckens, line Sissi of course. In 2005 G v d Berg had 3rd best pigeon Holland all round and the same bird was 1st Ace Middle Distance 2006 Section 1. In 2004 Mr Hoffman had 2nd National Ace youngsters (All Holland) through Rens v d Zijde. 

Superior again (30/04/2007 )

April 2007 was the warmest and most sunny in Western Europe of all time. Every weekend perfect "pigeon weather", bright, warm and head winds. On the 28th we had our 4th race 2007 and again the result was unbelievable. 1,404 Pigeons were entered in the Combine, amongst which 29 of mine. I started with 7th, 8th, 10th, 11th and so on. No less than 26 birds from 29 won a prize 1 per 4. Of the 25 first pick birds only one pigeon was not on the prize list. Since 26 birds from 29 won a prize 1 per 4 the term "unbelievable" is not exaggerated. I also race 9 hens in Belgium. In the small combine they would have won 1, 2, 3. In the strong Fed where famous names compete my result was the best there too with 7 prizes from 9 birds (all hens) that I entered.

And again (22/04/2007 )

We had our 3rd race of the season (2007), again bright and headwinds. The result was as spectacular as in previous races. I entered 29 birds, 5 of them arrived together. From 1,312 pigeons they won 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 21, 24, 25, 27 and so on, so 9 birds in first 27. From no less than 9,451 pigeons my 5th bird won prize 28 !!! Since I entered 29 pigeons I was entitled to win 3 prizes in first 10 %. It was 20 !!  When I had 25 birds on the result sheet (from 29 I entered) still 862 prizes were to be won 1 per 4. Among the first 10 birds were 5 cocks and 5 hens. Strange! In previous years hens were better. Also the results of Schaerlaeckens birds in other lofts are sensational. Below pedigree of a bird that won 3 times in first 10 National NPO. Raced by Mr Zoontjens, it is another descendant of famous 98-162, son of Ace Four.  

Unbelievable again (17/04/2007 )

The first race in 2007 I won 1, 2, 3, 6 and 7 as one could see. In the combine it was 2, 4, 7, 10, 11 and so on from 1.032 birds (21/15). April 14th we had our second race. Very warm, headwinds. 4 Pigeons arrived together. In the combine they won 1, 2, 4, 6 against 1,214 pigeons. In total 9,376 pigeons were released. Of this enormous amount I won 1st, 2nd, 4th, 11th (so from 9,376 birds). The winner was "Lin"s Favourite" 05-1490772, a son of 95-230 (Brother Ace Four) and 01-067 Gust. A brother of "772" (02-790) was also fastest whole release (5,794 pigeons), his sister (791) won 6 firsts and a son of 790 (03-922 won from 17,060 pigeons 2nd prize). Unfortunately 790 got lost. A son of 95-230 I sold to P v d Merwe. It produced 4th National Ace All Holland in 2006. 230 is also gr.father of "Johnny boy" from Mr Munnik that was 6th National Ace and 1st National Ace "Best ot the best". I also race 10 hens in Belgium in the Combine of Sint Job which is considered to be the strongest in Belgium. April 15th those 10 hens were raced from Noyon. In the combine they would have won 1, 2 and 3. In the Fed against many famous names my result was by far the best. 8 prizes from 10. First was 06-019, one of the twin girls that performed so fantastic in 2006.   

Coincidence? (09/04/2007 )

In 2006 I won the first race 1st, 2nd, 3rd and so on. That was from Nijvel with headwinds. Against more than 10,000 birds those birds won 1st, 3rd, 9th and so on. In 2007 the first race was again from Nijvel, again the wind was right ahead and... again I started with 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 6th, 7th and so on regional. Against 8,004 pigeons those birds won 2nd, 5th and so on. The birds that won 1st and 3rd in 2006 against over 10,000 birds were sisters bred off the same mother of the bird that won 2nd against 8,004 birds in 2007!!!!!!!! The bird that won 3rd in 2006 was 05-773. The bird that won 3rd in 2007 was 05-772. Brother of 773!!! Coincidence?

Again (07/04/2007 )

To day also Champion Mr van Doorn performed fantastic again with off spring Schaerlaeckens birds (line 95-230: brother 96-145 "Ace four").  To day also Mr Merx had fastest bird of the whole province of Limburg; that should be many thousands of birds. Mr Merk" winner is off spring 97-130, a son of Ace Four and Orleansdoffertje. 97-130 Is brother Home Alone (98-162). 98-162 is gr.father of a Super racer fond for Mr Zoontjens and 4th best young bird Holland. 97-130 is also father of a probably the best breeding hen in the loft of superchampion W de Bruyn and he is grandfather of National winners for Michel Vanlint. A sister of 97-130 is mother of world famous Alessandro Bas Verkerk. A descendant of Orleansdoffertje became the best pigeon of Holland in 2006 (raced by Mr Maas) another one became 2nd best of all Germany and so on.

New racing season has started (07/04/2007 )

April 7th 2007 we had our first race of the year. The result of the first race in 2006 was great: 1, 2, 3 and so on. Against 10,114 pigeons I started with 1st, 3rd and 9th. It was warm then with strong head winds.
To day we also raced from Nijvel. Again strong headwinds but now it was cold. Like last year I started with 1st, 2nd, 3rd. (411). Furthermore 6th, 7th and 15 prizes from 21 birds I entered. Unlike last year also the cocks performed well now.  The winner was a hen, followed by 2 cocks, a hen and again a cock. The new racing season has started.

So stupid (31/03/2007 )

To day in several parts of the coutry people had their first race. It was bright and the birds had to fight strong head winds. Again I got mails and calls from people that won 1sts against 1000s of birds with offspring of my 03-534 and 03-983. How stupid I was. I do not have these birds any more!!! I often advise that if you have a good family you should not get rid of birds until you know results of their babies but... I should listen to myself !!! Below you find pedigree of 4th National Ace 2006, raced by P v d Merwe. Another descendant of 95-230, brother "Ace Four".

Another one (12/03/2007 )

Great news again: Mr Verhoeven v d Berg from Puttershoek became 2nd National champion Short Distance 2006 with Schaerlaeckensbirds through J de Graaf.

Food for thought (07/03/2007 )

The best bird 2006 from Belgium (1st National Ace) belonged to Luc Crucke. Do you know how much he paid for it? 25 euro !! I often write the mistake many people make when buying birds is paying (far too) much money for a pigeon off well known parents or winners. Crucke is smarter. In the spring of 2006 he bought a round of babies from a local guy for 25 euro each. One of them became Belgian"s best !!!    It reminds me of Vanlint. He got a round (very cheap or for free) from W de Bruyn. Amongst them were 3 National winners. De Bruyn and Eyerkamp got a round of babies from Heremans Ceusters. Some supers among them but... not off the best "breeding pairs" of H C. So buying more babies from a fancier for a reasonable price is far smarter than put  orders for pigeons off special parents !!!  

Hoe diep kan men vallen (27/02/2007 )

Afgelopen winter werd ik uitgenodigd voor een forumavond in Kerkdriel. Het was een lange rit maar dat was het waard. Zelden zo"n tof duivenevenement meegemaakt. De zaal zat afgeladen vol, het publiek was muisstil en de ambiance was hartverwarmend. Ik kreeg diep respect voor het bestuur dat er in geslaagd was duivensport zo te promoten en liefhebbers zo"n prachtavond te bezorgen. Er waren ook wat duiven uitgestald en in de pauze werd me gevraagd of ik er op zicht de drie beste uit wilde halen. De drie beste? Hmm. Wil ik wel doen zei ik, dan zien jullie dat ik er ook niets van ken. Ik wees 3 duiven aan, aan de lachsalvo"s te horen leek ik er inderdaad helemaal naast te zitten maar het lachen is die mensen en mij inmiddels vergaan. Vandaag kwam er een schrijven binnen dat men (ik?) in overtreding was. Men had een tentoonstelling gehouden en ik was niet bevoegd te keuren.  Van die brave mensen in Kerkdriel die zo"n prachtwerk geleverd hadden om de liefhebbers zo"n avond te bezorgen wordt nu verwacht dat ze verantwoording afleggen. Je houdt het toch niet voor mogelijk?

Olympiad 2007 (05/02/2007 )

20,000 people visited Olympiad at Oostende (many Chinese among them) and that was more than the greatest optimists had expected. The organisation was perfect but the atpmosphere a bit cold. A shadow was the theft of 2 birds. The cameras showed that the 3 thieves got 45 minutes time to do the jobs and unfortunately their faces could not be recognised. The owners were kind of lucky since they did not put the birds into the baskets that were supposed to be there but look alikes. Since many champions did the same, 1000s of visiters were fooled. It was also sad to hear from the Chinese guests how many fake birds with fake pedigrees there are in China.  

Unbelievable (29/01/2007 )

Today Super Champion Mr v Doorn asked me if I had read National Magazine NPO nr 4, 2007. I had not. "Read page 11" he said. I did and what a surprise !!!!!!! Both the 1st best and 2nd best NATIONAL aces young birds from ALL Holland 2006 (raced by Mr Heesen) descend from my birds through W Hulkenberg. His Schaerlaeckenspigeons also produced National Ace Short distance 2005 (Mr Buis).

Another Olympiabird (24/01/2007 )

Also Mr Gyula from Hungry will represent his country at Olympiad with a bird that descends from the Schaerlaeckensloft. Offspring "Orleansdoffertje" (93-5383224). Orleansdoffertje is another son of Mattens x Sissi.

Latest from Belgium (14/01/2007 )

When the season is in full swing many Belgians (Antwerp) can race every weekend: Quievrain old birds (130 kms) Quievrain yearlings Quievrain youngsters (released 1/2 hour later). Noyon old birds (230 kms) Noyon yearlings Noyon youngsters. Dourdan old birds 380 kms  Dourdan yearlings Dourdan youngsters. Plus one or more long distance races. In the past there were also seperate races for hens. Those many races explain that I once saw 16 clocks for one weekend in the loft of Houben and they explain for the little amount of birds in the races. I find it ridiculous and that is also what the Board found. After more than a century (!) they decided to have ONE short race per weekend only and skip Quievrain. This led to an uproar, 4,000 fanciers will fight the new racing schedule till court. Belgian is a country of short distance guys and many that raced Quievrain all their lives fear the birds will get lost from Noyon: 230 kms.  To be continued.  

At other places (13/01/2007 )

In 2006 Schaerlaeckensbirds performed superb in his own loft and at others as well.
- His partners (Maegh) became Over All Champion ybrds Noyon in probably Balgians biggest and strongest Combine (Sint Job). - Mr Cossa Italy has Olympiad bird bred off 2 direct Schaerlaeckensbirds (Sissi line). - Mr Maas has 1st National Ace Middle Distance ALL Holland (NPO) 2006 with a 100% Schaerlaeckensbird (descendant Orleansdoffertje, Wounded Knee). - Mr Geerenstein has 2nd Olympiad bird ALL Holland All Round, line Wounded Knee. - Mr Pvd Merwe has 4th National Ace All Holland 2006 Middle Distance. Off 95-230 (Brother Ace Four). - Mr Munnik has 6th National Ace ALL Holland with gr.son 95-230 (brother Ace Four). This same bird "Johnny Boy" became 1st NATIONAL ACE PIGEON (young birds) ALL HOLLAND, Best of the best in 2005. - Mr E v d Horst has National Ace Sprint All Holland 2006 (bloodline Wounded Knee). - Mr F van Loo became 1st NATIONAL Champion ALL Holland Fond with parly AS-birds. - Mr Schwichtenberg became 2nd NATIONAL Champion ALL Germany All round 2006 with 100 % Schaerlaeckensbirds. - Mr B v Oeckel won 1st NATIONAL La Souterraine ALL Belgium (mother is a direct A S bird (sister Ace Four) that also bred a 3rd National for Bart in 2005. - Mr van Doorn won 1st and 2nd National Orleans with off spring Schaerlaeckensbirds.
This is only a summary on 2006. Before both M Vanlint, Limbourg, Jeene, Timmermans, v d Zijde, Verkerk, Ulrich, Buis, had S-NATIONAL winners, Aces, olympiad birds with off spring A S pigeons. Mr Verkerk had 1st S-National and 3rd best Europe (gr.son Ace Four) Mr Leytens had 2nd World Champion (off Sissi) long distance and 1st Olympiad Sprint with off spring AS birds, Mr Zoontjens had 4th best youngster ALL Holland (deescendant Home Alone 98-162). Mr Vis won 1st S-National Tours and 1st S-National Ablis. And so on and so on !!!!

Interesting (11/01/2007 )

In a pigeon paper 4 Belgian Champions that performed extremely well in 2006 were described. They all find Sedochol Super stuff to condition pigeons. Unlike Sedochol Baytril is controversial but recently scientists are not as sceptic as they used to be. Limbourg treats his birds Baytril before the season and Sedochol the whole year round! 

News from Italy (10/01/2007 )

To day I got a letter from Mr Cossa from Milan Italy. He proudly wrote one of his birds will represent Italy at Olympiad in Oostende January 2007 (Short Distance) that he bred off 2 Schaerlaeckensbirds. The father is a son of 97-1642277 (a son of Mattens and Sissi) x sister 2nd National Ace bred by W de Bruyn. The mother is again a direct Schaerlaeckens bred off "Adonis" (95-2067343). Now throughout the years 9 pure or half Schaerlaeckens pigeons were Olympiad birds.

Summary on races (09/01/2007 )

- In 2005 Ad Schaerlaeckens won with a great advance all championships Old birds (short distance, middle distance, nominated, non nominated) in the Combine named Cubag. Examples of good races: Harchies 343 p: 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 11, 12, 19, 21, 23 and so on (34/22). Harchies 627 p: 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 11, 12, 24, 26, 28 and so on. Creil      555 p: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 11, 16, 17, 18, 24, 33, 34, 38 and so on (37/33). Creil   1,343 p:  1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 10, 11, 13, 21, 22, 24, 33. From 9.526 p: 2 and 5.   - He raced young birds at other location. There he won all champions with young birds (Combine St Willebrord eo), despite serious sickness of his partner Mr Heeren.
- In 2006 A S was again sensational with old birds. He started the season by winning 1, 3, 4 (1,379 birds). Against no less than 10,149 pigeons he won 1st, 3rd, 9th and so on. The birds that won 1 and 3 were sisters (daughters of 98-5812162 Home Alone). From Morlincourt (1,143 pigeons) he won: 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 14, 15, 18, 20, 21, 23, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 38, 40 and so on (39/31, 25 birds in first 10 %). Not even one bad race this year!
In spring 2006 his partner passed away. A S put some young birds in the loft of Mr Maegh Belgium who won the first Over All Championship (Noyon) in probably the biggest and strongest Combine of Belgium (Sint Job) where big shots of numerous clubs compete, despite the first 2 races no birds were entered.
So in 2005 his youngsters won 1st Championship in the combine in Holland, in 2006 they won the 1st Over All Championship in the Combine in Belgium whereas his old birds performed unbelievably in his home town.

' Ad Schaerlaeckens